Friday 10 February 2012

Jogger Costume and Props

This is the costume that I will wear as the jogger. The costume is obviously quite a vital part, because if the character was jogging in a dress a different view would be perceived. A running top, long shorts and trainers fit the characters role of a stereotypical jogger. Mise en scene is very important for allowing the audience to gain understanding of what is happening, and for it all to be set out right, because otherwise the audience may not feel secure in knowing what is taking place. The colour of the running top is pink, and this is stereo-typically shown as a girls colour. The fact that she is innocent and has just stumbled upon this suspicious looking man, the colour pink could show her as very vulnerable and girly such as the 'damsel in distress'.
As for makeup, the jogger wouldn't be wearing very much as it wouldn't be appropriate during exercise. It will be minimalistic, such as a bit of mascara and foundation just to again reinforce the believe-ability in the character. By just wearing this small amount of makeup, it again suggests her girly character, which could be seen as very vulnerable and innocent, yet without being over the top.

 The prop my character will be using as she is jogging is an iPod, this is because a lot of people like to run with music. It helps to create a more believable character and shows that every little thought towards props has been put in.
This is the mobile phone that will be used for when her phone goes off. She would of had it with her whilst running because she is jogging through a deserted woods on her own.

1 comment:

  1. again, every prop has conotations - if it is an i phone, that suggests something about her social class and therefore representation.

    Would a girly girl be jogging on her own? Just a thought?
