Friday 10 February 2012


 For the first scene we are going to be using very dim lighting as we want to create the atmosphere of a very dim and unpleasant place.

This is the sort of lighting in the room that we want to recreate. We want it as dark as this but a dim light on the man and a spotlight on the board. We are also using low and side lighting to create lots of shadow in the opening scene to create mystery and to not reveal the villans face

For the outside we wont need to use much lighting as we are choosing to use limited lighting in the woods due to the fact that it is outside and we are filming during the day, therefore we do not need to use lighting apart from on the close up shots so the faces can be seen more clearly.

1 comment:

  1. Overall guys a really good start - do think about the issues of representation. What kind of male and female do you want to portray. you have total control over this.

    Do your location survey.

    Any permissions required - the shed for instance?
