Monday 30 January 2012

The Hurt Locker.

(0-8 seconds)

The music increases in volume which increases the tension. The music compliments the on-screen image making in parallel music.

Camera Work.
(29 seconds)

There is a tracking shot from right to left which then changes subject and shot to a medium shot of a woman. This camera movement makes the action seem hectic and out of control.

(8:38 - 8:40)

Shot speed increases which makes the action happen at a faster pace creating a tense mood and worrying the audience.

Mise en Scene

The America soldiers are dressed in army gear. These costumes give the soldiers a sense of power because most people would recognise the power significance of an army uniform. This shows the men wearing it are important.

The soldiers are also using guns. This again gives them more power over the people who do not have guns, therefore giving the soldiers leadership.

The Dark Knight.

Camera Work

The medium two-shot creates dramatic irony, because the audience can see the man with the gun is about to shoot the man in the for-ground; however the man in the for-ground does not know this


non diegetic parallel music links with image on screen. tense music increases the pace, suspense and tension also by increasing in volume.

Mise en Scene

The scary masks make the protagonists seem even more evil. It also hides their facial expressions so they seem more menacing. They also have guns which gives them power over the people who don't.


The shallow depth of field puts more emphasis on the grenade making it the most important thing in shot.

The Shining


The music is contrapuntal and non diegetic. The music is a complete contrast to the beautiful scenery. The music is dark and in a minor key.

Mise en Scene

The beautiful scenery is in a remote location with not many people around. Along with the music this could raise the tention.

Camera Work
(Through out)

There is a constant tracking shot on the car. This makes the car significant and seem important.

(31 seconds)

There is a fade. This makes is feel as if time has past in between the two shots suggesting a jump in time.

Pulp Fiction

Camera Work

The low angle gives the two characters a sense of control and power.

Mise en Scene

The woman's body language is very relaxed and doesn't seem to take much interest in what the man is saying. They are talking about robbing various places. Her body language suggests she is accustom to robbing places. So we (the audience assume that they've done it before


The medium show hides the gun from shot. therefore the audience doesn't know what the man is reaching for, creating suspense and ENIGMA. This grips the audience.


The music is contrapuntal to the on-screen action. However the audience knows that robbery is nothing new to these characters. So by playing quite up-beat music, it could be seen as parallel music.

Sin City


The foley effect of rain emphasises and enhances the volume of it. This goes well with the on-screen images. Rain is similar to tear drops. And as the woman has been shot, the mood is saddened and the rain sound helps.

Camera Work

The high angle makes the characters seem powerless, and in the female's case, lifeless. This gives the impression that the male is powerless. he cannot help the woman. he looks sad about what he has just done. The high angle emphasises this.


The match-on-action makes the cut smoother and keeps the action and a fast yet smooth pace. This makes the scene seem more realistic and in real-time.

Mise en Scene
(38 seconds)

There is hard back lighting which blackens out the males front features such at his face. The audience don't know who this man is and this lighting adds to the man's mask of identity. This make the audience ask questions and wonder who this man is.

Sorry the homework is late. I couldn't upload it from home so I've had to wait till monday at college

James Ely


  1. seems a little brief James and there are still no screen grabs. see technicians and get this sorted.

    You can't say the music is parallel to mood - what mood also needs to be discussed (Hurt Locker). we went through Hurt Locker together James and you have omitted to mention any of the all so important initial opening where the camera simulates a robot camera. discuss this as it is brilliant re filmmaking.

  2. let me know when you have posted the images and i can then mark it.
