Friday 27 January 2012

Intial Thriller Openings Research 5 - Carla Purchas

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

During the Pan Shot
Camera Work
  • At the start of the scene there is a panoramic shot which is also the establishing shot, gliding to the right which shows off the location which is snowy woodland and frozen lake or river. It seems very deserted and isolated.
  • There is also a high angle shot of the man on the phone in the old looking study. This suggests he is important and the audience want to know who he is, because we never directly see his face from the front.
  • Additionally there is a close up of the both the men's side profiles. This allows the audience to see the characters at a closer range and so their reactions are clearer and more visible.    Close ups are always good to show emotion and let the audience study their faces. It tells the audience that they are both fairly old and distressed about something which then makes the audience really want to know what the problem is.

The Log Cabin
Mise en Scene
  • Setting/location – Snowy abandoned forest/ very isolated. It then switches to inside the log cabin where the phone is ringing to an immaculate white kitchen. As he answers it then switches to the other man speaking on the call in an old, traditional, wealthy looking study. 
  • Colour - a lot of white. White can be symbolic to people as the colour of death or innocence which are very contrasting things.
  • Lighting - it is very dim inside both the indoor locations. It looks as though no lights are on and this gives off a very depressed, lonely feel to the scene.

The phone-call from the wood cabin in a clean environment
The other end of the phone-call in the wealthy looking study.

  • There is a sound bridge of the phone ringing whilst the camera is doing a pan shot of the snow covered forest, and then the wood cabin. Before we see the cabin, the audience wonders where this phone could be ringing from and creates a short term sense of mystery.
  • Whilst the pan shot of the forest is shown, the noise of wind is there to create the blizzard effect that is shown.
  • During the phone-call, the audience can hear the voice on the other side of the line, and to reinforce this, it has been made slightly quieter and muffled as if someone is listening in.
  • There is sad but tranquil music playing whole way through which creates a depressing atmosphere.


  • There are cuts used to show location but at a slow pace, as there is no rush. This gives off a deep sadness.
  • During the last few words spoken on the phone, although they are not in the same location, the 180 degree rule is used which makes them seem closer and as if their relationship matters.
  • There is also a fade to black is used just as the opening sequence ends so it can smoothly glide in to the opening credits.

Pressed flowers that have been received - we wonder what importance they have.

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