Friday 27 January 2012

Thriller Opening 1 - Psycho 1960 - Harrison Blake
(link to the video as the video is not able to be embedded.)

- The intro to Psycho has only one shot in it which is an extreme long shot over a city, the rest is the title sequence and CGI effects.

- The sound during the intro is very important, the non-diagetic sound is a violin play a very fast paced and high pitched noise, this makes the viewer very edgy as it suggests that the film is going to be very jumpy. This suspense is continued throughout the whole film whilst using the same sort of high pitched, fast paced music.

-The opening holds place to many fast paced shots which display the name of someone who is involved in the film and then their name is washed of the screen by grey parallel bars. The grey parallel bars could be related to many things in the movie, it could be foreshadowing a wipe of blood off of a wall, or a machine that monitors the heart when in a hospital.
-As the film was made in 1960 the lack of technology meant that the whole film would be shot in black and white, even when they could use colour on the CGI intro, they choose to keep it in piece with the movie.
-The last piece of the CGI intro is when Alfred Hitchcocks name (1:49 on the video) gets wiped off the screen by the grey parallel bars, as it does the bars move up and down as if they are conducting the music being played, throughout the whole intro the bars have been very fast paced but now the music falls to a slower pace, the bars do the same thing. This would back up the idea that the bars represent something that the music helps add effect to, when the music is fast paced and all jumpy, there will be something fast paced going on in the film (the bars could represent a person, or an object (knife)).

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