Thursday 26 January 2012

Thriller Opening 4 - The Disappearance of Alice Creed - IZZY SOUTER

(up to 3 minutes 20)
The Disappearance of Alice Creed

Opening tracking shot
·         It starts with a tracking shot leading onto the villains,
this shot is a almost a point of view from a driver, however this is not the case as it leads into a close up
of one of the characters.
·         There is a low angle tracking shot of the two men
walking in a shop, which is parallel to the ground. This
 is used to make the audience feel uncomfortable and
also to show that they are in control as they are higher up and seem to have more power because of this.
·         There are also a lot of close ups on the equipment, work that they do and also the character’s faces. This is done to illustrate clearly to the audience what they are doing and that it is bad, which is portrayed through their emotions.

Mise En Scene
Working in sync
·         Both of the characters are wearing dark, dull clothes, which makes them blend in and not appear suspicious.
·         They use real locations which therefore aren’t constructed, which makes the whole plot seem a lot
more believable; such as the woods and the car parks.
·         The two characters are symmetrical to one another,
with the same body language and action. This shows that they are well organised and are powerful together.

·         It uses quick sharp cuts which highlights that the two characters are very quick and efficient.
·         There are very smooth transitions from one scene to another. This makes it easy for the audience to follow as it clearly wants to get across to them what the two men are up to.

·         Throughout the clip there is no dialogue between the two characters. This shows that they have planned out what they are doing and don’t need to talk as they already know what they have to do. This makes the audience feel uneasy and that they are doing something bad.
·         The non-diagetic music in this opening sequence starts off at a slow pace and is quiet yet at the same time frantic as it is jumpy music. As the characters enter the woods, strings are added into the song, which makes it clear that that scene in more important than the others.
·         The soundtrack climaxes at certain points within the opening, such as when the man finishes the locks on the door. This is done to show that the renovation of the house is complete.
The diagetic sounds such as the drills are enhanced to make the audience focus on them as they are important in showing what the characters are doing.

1 comment:

  1. this is the second from class that you completed. idea was to use 4 of your own.
