Friday 13 January 2012

Our final project for the preliminary task.


  1. Lovely establishing shot of the finger tapping – very confident framing to be in so close. Great tracking back shot of Carla as she comes through doors – again great framing. Brilliant 3 cut match on action through the door. M on A on sitting down also very good.
    There is unfortunately a problem – you have broken the 180 degree rule. In the shot/reverse shot sequence you have filmed from both sides of the line and as a result your characters are swapping sides. YOU therefore will have to redo this because otherwise you can’t continue. Don’t panic, just re film the noughts and crosses scene and don’t break line and upload ASAP!

    Great Slow Mo work too.
    All the right signs – great camera work, very good editing, confident framing and you showed imagination with Mise en scene and camerawork – SLO Mo is really good.

    Would be definite level 4 if you had not broken 180 degree rule

  2. You have not blogged anything on the general filming and editing experience - this is something to address in the actual Thriller CW.

  3. Yes, we realised we need a lot more posts. We definitely will for our Thriller work!
