Friday 27 January 2012

Thriller Opening 5 - Law Abiding Citizen - Harrison Blake

This is the video clip I'm using, it's until 3:10.

Camera Work
-The first thing we see is a father and daughter bonding together making jewellery, the camera shots are all CU and some are ECU. This is showing that the father and daughter are having a nice peaceful time spending time with each other.
-There is then a medium shot which shows the little girl holding up a necklace, she is smiling and looking happy.
-As the man moves over to the door to open it, there is good tracking in over his shoulder.

-As he opens the door he gets hit with a baseball bat, this makes the mood completely change and it also changes the camera, instead of long gentle shots, it is now using very short and very fast paced camera shots, this shows agitation and the franticness of the camera movements suggests something is going on, which we can clearly see is a man being beaten.
-As the man gets tied, a jump cut is used to show his wife in a mid shot screaming for her husband.
-Close ups are now used to show the crazed look on the attackers face and the desperate look on the man who is being beaten.
-There is then a close up of the knife entering the male's stomach.
-Depth of field is cleverly used to reveal the little girl standing in the background

-Appropriate music on the logos to make them more enhancing.
-A radio is playing in the background, this simulates a normal family home.
-Dialogue of the father talking to the girl in a very soft, calm voice.
-Foley is used when the door knocks, it gets progressively louder and more aggressive as they knock more.
-Music suddenly starts playing as the man gets hit by the baseball bat, sharp and loud music.
-As the woman screams it echo's getting rid of hope for the viewers.
-The music now is low pitched showing unease and despair.
-As the man gets stabbed a chrome sort of noise plays to make the stabbing more noticeable.
-The music is now getting more and more high pitched and reaches the climax as the girl is shown, this shows that something bad is going to happen and creates unease for the viewer.
-At the end of the clip it sounds like sirens are going off, this portrays danger.

-Shot reverse shot is used very effectively and the 180 degree rule is not broken at all.
-When the intruders break in the lighting all of a sudden gets dimmer, this shows that something bad is happening as it was all happy when the lighting was bright and now it's dark and he's getting attacked.
-Dissolves are used to simulate the male's eyes, how he could be blacking out and blinking very slowly.
-All the noise is distorted in his head as well.
-The font used at the start of the film is pretty standard apart from the cracks in it which would suggest unease.

Mise en Scene
-The home looks like a typical family home, the lighting is all bright showing that the home is nice and the family atmosphere is calm and happy.
-When the intruders come in the lighting suddenly compliments the mood as it gets all dark, when they were happy it was light, now they are in pain it's all dark.
-The intruders are wearing typical burglars clothes, dressed in all black with black hats on, whereas the family are dressed in nice normal clothes.
-The intruders are both holding weapons, bats and knifes.

1 comment:

  1. pace is a about editing not camerawork in the first instance.
    Diegetic, non diegetic, parallel?
    Consider how the camerawork becomes handheld after the intrudes enter the house - this is an often used technique and creates greater uncertainty, disorientation etc.
    More terms required harrison
